[What is] Birth Quarter?

Birth Quarter is the 3 month period that some is born in within a single academic year. For the UK this will be:

Quarter 1 (Q1) : September-November

Quarter 2 (Q2) : December-February

Quarter 3 (Q3) : March-May

Quarter 4 (Q4) : June-August

Sometimes you will see H1 and H2. These are abbreviations for the two halves of the year. So H1 is Q1 & Q2. H2 is Q3 & Q4. Comparing these two values can give an idea of the amount of RAE and this ratio can be described as RAEi (RAE Index).

The academic year is also used for age grouping in UK cricket.

Other countries around the world use different start dates for Quarter 1:

January/February Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Zimbabwe, Scotland

April India

September UK (not Scotland), Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, West Indies, Ireland

  • This is part of a library of What Is descriptions on this site.
Rob Reed
Rob Reed

Interested in Relative Age Effects & Maturation in Player Id & Development 🏏 #OneMoreSummer